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Mediation application

Mediation application (reference format)

Shenzhen Qianhai international commercial mediation center:

(Party A / applicant)                                       ( Certificate number                                      , Legal representative                                      , Domicile                                      , contacts                                       , contact number                                     , E-mail                                         ) And (Party B / respondent)                                      ,( Certificate number                                      , Legal representative                                     , Domicile                                      , contacts                                        , contact number                                      , E-mail                                      ) Occurs between                                      ( Cause of action) the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation between both parties. According to the consent of both parties / the wishes of the applicant, we hereby apply to your Mediation Center for mediation:

1、 Case facts and disputed matters

2、 Mediation demands and justifications of both parties / applicants

3、 Evidence and related materials (Catalogue)




Party / applicant (signature and seal)

Date of application:   Year   Month   day

Keywords: Time of issue: Size of file:
  • Mediationapplication



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Contact Information

Center Address: 8th floor, China Travel Service building, No. 4011, Shennan Avenue, Futian street, Futian District, Shenzhen

Central telephone:0755-23998276

Central mailbox:info@sqicmc.com

Official Account

Official account two-dimensional code

版Copyright◎2021 Shenzhen Qianhai Inteinational Commercial Mediation Centei  粤ICP备2020082558号-1  BY:xinnet